Command Syntax
Items encased in {} are mandatory.
Items encased in [] are optional.
Command - /mvcreate
Description - Command to create a new world (Will not import existing worlds, use /mvimport).
Syntax - /mvcreate {WORLDNAME} {ENVIRONMENT}
Example - /mvcreate creative NORMAL
Example - /mvcreate nether NETHER
Permission - '-'
Command - /mvimport
Description - Command to import existing worlds (Will not create a new world, use /mvcreate).
Syntax - /mvimport {WORLDNAME} {ENVIRONMENT}
Example - /mvimport creative NORMAL
Example - /mvimport nether NETHER
Permission - '-'
Command - /mvremove
Description - Command to remove a World from config files, preventing it from loading on next server start. Doesn't unload from Server, lack of functionality.
Syntax - /mvremove {WORLDNAME}
Example - /mvremove creative
Example - /mvremove nether
Permission - '-'
Command - /mvtp
Description - Command to Teleport the Player to the World or Portal location.
Syntax - /mvtp {WORLDNAME}
Syntax - /mvtp p:{PORTALNAME}
Syntax - /mvtp w:{WORLDNAME}
Example - /mvtp creative
Example - /mvtp p:netherportal
Example - /mvtp w:creative
Permission - '-'
Command - /mvsetspawn
Description - Command to Set the MultiVerse spawn of the world the player is in.
Permission - '-'
Command - /mvspawn
Description - Command to teleport the user to the spawn of the world they are in.
Permission - '-'
Command - /mvlist
Description - Display loaded worlds to the player.
Permission - '- multiverse.list'
Command - /mvpc
Description - Command to create a new Portal entry from the players selected area.
Syntax - /mvpc {PORTALNAME}
Syntax - /mvpc {PORTALNAME} p:{PORTALNAME}
Syntax - /mvpc {PORTALNAME} w:{WORLDNAME}
Example - /mvpc nether w:nether
- 'w' means it's a world, this means the above command will make the portal telepN
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